How would it feel to gain control in your life while helping others?
Enjoy a free copy of my latest book.
Lorna’s Story
What is success for you?
At 48, I was about to lose everything. Ten years later, I had made more than a million dollars and created a six-figure residual income. Now I help others discover for themselves how to be paid what they are worth, have the time to enjoy it and love their lives. Join me!
Books by Lorna
The Absolute Best Way for Women to Make Money isn’t just an interesting title, it is a recipe for time freedom and money freedom.
Life turned out differently for two old friends, Kirsten and Paula. Kirsten’s stressed out; unhappy government job had taken her to the breaking point. But when the two old friends were accidentally reunited, she discovered a way to solve her work dilemma.
Her solution is one that might be a fit for a lot of women who find their jobs lacking in satisfaction, time and money. We follow Kirsten’s journey of discovery and address issues which face women in the workplace.
eBooks by Lorna
“I help others discover for themselves how to be paid what they are worth,
have the time to enjoy it and love their lives.”
Lorna’s Latest Posts
Network Marketing: Why You Can’t Be Successful Without Failure
Failure. Most of us absolutely hate it. In fact, we avoid it at all costs… Because we’re so afraid of failing, that we don’t even try. But the thing is… fear, by nature, is designed to hold us back. It chips away at our self-confidence, our motivation, and our...
How Facing Your Fears Head On Can Make You More Successful
It’s normal to avoid things that are outside our comfort zones… Whether it means making excuses, finding ways around them, or simply putting them off. But life has a funny way of pushing us to face our fears - especially when it comes to running a business. And I’m...
Network Marketing: The Root Cause of Procrastination and How to Beat it
Have you ever wanted to do something so badly, but just couldn’t take the first step to do it? Whether you’re afraid that you’ll fail… You’re doubting yourself… Or you just don’t feel 100% ready… You’ve been holding yourself back from taking action. We all know it’s...
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