Sep 14, 2022 | Lorna Rasmussen
What percentage of prospects that you approach actually buy? Because believe it or not, most people only sell to 25%… and if you want to sell to 75% or even 100%, here’s something you need to know: There are 4 types of buyers, but each of them have different reasons...
Sep 7, 2022 | Lorna Rasmussen
Ready to take control of your future, take control of your retirement and learn how to retire rich WITHOUT draining your savings account? Yeah, I was too. At 48 years old, I was headed toward bankruptcy. I had no clue how I’d be able to retire and thought that I’d...
Aug 31, 2022 | Lorna Rasmussen
Have you ever wanted to do something so badly, but just couldn’t take the first step to do it? Whether you’re afraid that you’ll fail… You’re doubting yourself… Or you just don’t feel 100% ready… You’ve been holding yourself back from taking action. We all know it’s...
Aug 24, 2022 | Lorna Rasmussen
When you think about your future 5-10 years from now, what do you picture? Do you clearly see yourself running a full-time business, or is your future a little fuzzy? Without a clear goal for your business, it’s hard to stick tight to a single plan. We end up dabbling...
Aug 17, 2022 | Lorna Rasmussen
For whatever reason, many of us believe that we can’t recruit new members and build a team. Whether we’re simply overwhelmed, don’t know how to start, or don’t know how to guide our new members to success… It can make us feel lost, discouraged, and full of doubt. So...